Navgraha Shanti Puja is considered very important wherein all the nine planets, namely- Surya, Chandra, Mangal, Budha, Guru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu, and Ketu, are worshipped altogether by making several offerings. Many times people conduct or perform a Puja dedicated to a specific planet, and in return, the devotee is blessed with a few boons. Conducting a Navgraha Puja bestows the devotee with knowledge, good health, harmony, success, prosperity, and recognition. It also helps get rid of Vastu Dosh, blesses with longevity in life, strengthens the benevolent planets, and removes obstacles from both personal and professional life. It is also helpful in reducing the ill effects of certain Doshas or even getting rid of them altogether.
A devotee suffering from Shani Dosha experiences obstacles, stress, and losses in their lives. To avoid the ill effects of Shani Dosha, devotees either perform or conduct a Shani Shanti and Dosha Nivaran Puja. The negative effects caused in a devotee's life due to Shani Dosha can be in the form of stressful married life, misunderstanding with a spouse, difficulties in conceiving a child, health problems, and obstacles in an education career.
Book a Nakshatra Shanti Puja with us at Shiva, and let us serve you with the best and professional priests who are willing to conduct a Shanti Puja for you with full dedication as we aim at 100% customer satisfaction. A Nakshatra Shanti Puja is basically conducted with the sole orientation of neutralizing the malefic effects of the Nakshatras that were prevalent during the time of the Sadhaka's (seeker's) birth. People conduct this Shanti Puja in order to nullify the baleful effects of the planets belonging to their Mahadasha (main periods) or Antardasha (sub-periods) and to gain beneficiary results from the very same planets in return.
Our Vedic professionals who are abundantly experienced in this field can help you conduct a Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja to get rid of all the malefic effects that follow you due to Karma. They will make sure that the Dosh Nivaran Puja is conducted in the most authentic ways as prescribed in the age-old Vedic scriptures. People prefer to conduct this Dosh Nivaran Puja on Shukla Paksha of the month of Saavan. This day is considered very lucky and auspicious to conduct this Puja, and if the Puja is successful, the Sadhaka (seeker) finds peace with all his problems like physical ailments, financial troubles, and other such obstacles.
A Janamdin Puja and Homa are conducted or performed to diminish the baleful effects of the planets; it helps eradicate ill effects of an evil's eye and other negative energies. It is also believed that 'Ayushya' (life span) is increased by conducting this Puja and Homa with utter devotion, faith, and respect as aforementioned people conduct a Graha Shanti Puja and Homa on their own or family member's birthday to nullify the ill effects of the planet of the Sadhaka's (seeker's) horoscope and bless them with a happy and prosperous long life ahead.
There are a lot of remedies prescribed by the ancient Vedic texts to get rid of the malefic effects of planet Rahu like wearing Rahu Yantra, gems, chanting Rahu Mantra, and certain herbs. It is highly believed that all the while Rahu can convert a normal devotee into a King overnight, an inauspicious Rahu in their horoscope can also turn a King into a pauper overnight.
Whenever a devotee is suffering from malefic effects of this shadow planet in their natal charts, it fairly means that they are suffering from Ketu Dosha. To free yourself from the inauspicious effects of Ketu Dosha, we recommend you book a Ketu Shanti and Dosha Nivaran Puja with us at Vedic Puja, wherein our experienced conduct the Dosha Nivaran Puja for you. Conducting the Ketu Shanti and Dosha Nivaran Puja can bestow the devotee with certain blessings like prosperity, spiritual upliftment, intelligence, good health, and wisdom.
A devotee suffering from Shukra Dosha is bound to suffer from breaking up of relationships, loss of materialistic possessions, loss of wealth, and marital discords. Shukra Dosha can also cause several types of ailments and terminal diseases in a devotee's life like paralysis, impotence,
Conducting a Surya Shanti and Dosh Nivaran Puja with full devotion and faith can bestow upon devotees intellect, a powerful will, success in worldly affairs, brilliance, and prosperity. It can also bless the devotee with wealth, cheerfulness, good fortune, ambition, fame, and wisdom.
A Guru Dosha in a devotee's house of zodiac might affect them in the fields of banking, philosophy, law, economics, religion, and general conduct. This Dosha might lead to other major problems in a devotee's life, like lack of confidence, lack of harmony, lack of prosperity, and hurdles in the field of education. Hence, to get rid of the malefic effects of a Guru Dosha, the devotee must conduct a Guru (Jupiter) Shanti and Dosha Nivaran Puja with us.
Conducting a Shani Chandra Vish Yog Dosh Nivaran Puja can bestow the Sadhaka (seeker) with a lot of blessings such as relief from the harmful and baleful effects of the Shani Chandra Vish Yog Dosh, stability in both professional and personal life, bestows success in lawsuits and legal cases, relief from unnecessary stress, strains and losses, betterment from health-related problems and eases up the flow of any stuck-up work.
Book this remedial Angarak – Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja with us as this Dosh brings along an even worse Yog which may pose numerous difficulties in the path of the devotee's life. Devotees who have the planets Mars and Rahu as baleful in their horoscope should definitely let our skilled priests help them out of the difficulties.
If you're suffering from the malefic effects of Budh Graha, then book a Budh (Mercury) Shanti and Dosha Nivaran Puja with us. Our skilled and experienced priests will help in performing the Dosha Nivaran Puja in the most authentic and traditional manner so that you could calm the Budh Devta and seek his blessings
Chandal Dosh is also called Guru Chandal Yog, and devotees who suffer from the Chandal Dosh are believed to be poor, cruel, and sly. This Yog is a Kuyog and poses a lot of negativity in the devotee's life and is considered even terrible than a Mangal Dosh. People who suffer from this Dosh or Yog can radiate a lot of negativity as they are often conspirators, deceivers, fraud, and jealous. The devotee who has a Chandal Dosh in their horoscope is typical of having a low character, making conspiracies, and behaving in an unethical way.
Conducting a Chandra Dosh Shanti Puja can bestow the devotee by removing negative or evil energies from their lives, with a better memory, improvement in eyesight, financial stability, peace, harmony, emotional stability, relief from mental trauma and stress, cures personality disorders, relieves a lot of physical ailments like lung infections, mental depression, breathing problems and chest pain and relief from the ill effects of Chandra.
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