Health and Happiness


Though in a Rudra Abhishek Puja, the deity is in his Raudra Roop, he remains extremely benevolent. If a devotee conducts the Rudra Abhishek Puja in the proper and ritualistic manner as prescribed in the ancient Hindu scriptures, he/she can be blessed in all aspects of his/her life. Performing or even conducting a Rudra Abhishek Puja helps eliminate all the negative energies, washes away sins, frees the devotee from past life Karmas, and helps in spiritual growth.  

An Ayush Homa and Puja is also performed in homes, Kshetras (temples), and for adults. For a person who begins recovering from a chronic illness, this Homam is conducted of their Janma Nakshatra or birthday to earn them a healthy life thereafter, complete recovery from the ailment, spiritual upliftment, and relief from mental trauma. Some other major benefits of conducting this Puja and Homa are reducing the ill effects of the planets, which can cause injuries, major health issues, and even accidents, to get relief from mental as well as physical trauma, to find relief from terminal illnesses, to achieve success in material endeavors and finally to get rid of the ill effects of sins committed in the past life.

Book a Shree Durga Puja Path and Homa with us and get blessed by Goddess Durga's grace in all aspects of life for success and excellent achievements. Pleasing the Devi or deity by conducting the Puja Path and Homa in a righteous manner can gain you salvation, great success, community welfare, and good riddance from the fear of accidental injuries and death. 


The Shiva Parivar (Shiva family) represents harmony, completeness, and prosperity. The entirety of the Shiva Parivar encompasses the whole universe and its essence. Shiva Parivar Puja and Homa is some auspicious ritual every Shiva Bhakt (devotee) considers conducting at least once in his/her lifetime. This Yagna (fire lab) provides overall prosperity and proves beneficial for attaining harmony and growth in home and relations. Book a Shiva Parivar Puja and Homa with Shiva so that we could help you conduct this ceremonious ritual and find you their blessings in health, wealth, spiritual upliftment, harmony, unity, and overall prosperity. 


The word Parthiv means earth, and the Parthiv Shivling is made by the devotee himself/herself with mud. God Shiva is known as the God of Earth and stays connected to nature; hence, a devotee who makes a Parthiv Shivling and performs a Parthiv Shivling Puja is bestowed with many blessings


A Ganpati Puja and Homa can also spread peace and positive energy as it helps eliminate all obstacles from the lives of devotees. As God Ganesha (Ganpati) is known as the governor of the Mooladhara Chakra, he symbolizes material prosperity; hence, worshipping and appeasing him can also bring wealth and solve wealth related problems. By overcoming all obstacles in life, the deity helps His worshippers achieve victory, harmony, and success in personal and professional life. 

A Janamdin Puja and Homa are conducted or performed to diminish the baleful effects of the planets; it helps eradicate ill effects of an evil's eye and other negative energies. It is also believed that 'Ayushya' (life span) is increased by conducting this Puja and Homa with utter devotion, faith, and respect as aforementioned people conduct a Graha Shanti Puja and Homa on their own or family member's birthday to nullify the ill effects of the planet of the Sadhaka's (seeker's) horoscope and bless them with a happy and prosperous long life ahead.


Conducting a Shiv Puran Puja helps one attain a deeper knowledge of mythology, cosmology, ethics, the relationship between Gods, yoga, river, and geography, Tirtha Sthan (pilgrimage sites), bhakti, and many other topics. Shiv Puran Puja also instructs ways and rituals to worship and appease Lord Shiva, who is one amongst the Hindu Trinity Gods along with Mahavishnu and Brahma. 

Gayatri implies the essence of all the four Vedas. Goddess Gayatri (Gayatri Devi) is portrayed with five faces, ten hands, and as seated on a huge red lotus. It is believed that worshiping Gayatri Devi and conducting a Gayatri Mantra Japa and Puja Homa can help get rid of Pitr Dosh. Chanting Gayatri Mantra also helps increase Brahma Tej in the devotee performing or conducting the Japa and Puja Homa. Performing this Puja Homa also helps resolve any issues related to bad planets. 


Devotees who follow and believe in Pradosh Puja and Vrat are supposed to wake up early on this day, take a bath and also maintain celibacy for the entire day ahead. It is considered quite auspicious and spiritually healthy to perform or conduct a Pradosh Puja on this day. If a devotee cannot perform the Puja himself/herself, then they should at least chant 'Om Namah Shivay' (in the name of Lord Shiva) as many times as possible with great respect, utter devotion, sincerity, and faith. 

As Mahakali is believed to be on the neck of demons, people seek help from her when some evil force or energy takes hold of them and/or their families. Not only this, but conducting or performing a Mahakali Puja and Homa at the home, office, or in a temple can also help diminish ego and other such negative tendencies that have the capability to hinder a devotee's path towards material prosperity and spiritual upliftment. Maa Kali, being an incarnation of Shakti (Parvati), is the consort of Lord Shiva. Thus, the Puja and Homa are conducted to attain strength, a powerful mind, success and to uproot all sorts of fear. 

The Ganga Aarti conducted at the Ghats in Haridwar is a special and auspicious ceremony wherein prayers and offerings are made to Goddess Ganga. Ganga is not merely a source of water but is also believed to be a Divine Mother by the Hindus. River Ganga is a bestower of life as it is used to conduct agriculture. The river is considered one of the holiest rivers in India, and hence, people believe that dipping in the waters of Ganga can possibly wash off their sins. People also bring the remains of their loved ones in urns and flow their ashes in Her sacred waters as it is believed that She can liberate souls.

Lord Dhanvantri is mostly worshipped whenever a person is sick, met with an accident, suffering from a chronic disease, or is recovering from a terminal illness so as to seek his divine blessings in the form of a cure. Hence, the Dhanvantri Homa and Puja is considered as a very essential and powerful Puja to please Lord Dhanvantri and seek his blessings to get cured of any chronic illness, health problems, ailments, and disorders be it physical or mental.

Akhand Ramayana Path is the recital of the ancient mythological scripture, Ramayana, that tells the story of Lord Sri Ram's life. Ramayana is also popularly known as Ramcharit Manas, which is recited continuously straight for 24 hours without stopping during an Akhand Ramayana Path. Hence the name, Akhand Ramayana Path wherein Akhand means unbroken. Experienced and well-qualified priests arrange for the Akhand Ramayana Path Puja wheresoever held and chant Bhajan and Kirtans (hymns) praising Lord Sri Ram.



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