Temple Donation

The Importance of Donations in Shiva Temples

Shiva temples are held in high regard by Hindus, with devotees often travelling long distances to seek blessings from this deity. These experiences can often be life-changing and as a result, many Hindus choose to donate money or other forms of charity following visits to shiva temples. For those wishing to make more significant monetary offerings during their visit to Shive temple there are several different ways this can be achieved: you may give directly for our temple project Shiva Yoga Dham in the foothills of Himalaya in Haridwar (Uttarkhand) which can then be used onto this development temple project.


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Shiva Yoga Dham is perceived to be a tranquil inland, which would be wholly indulged in the Lord Shiva’s element.Situated in the himalayan region, this place having the picturesque backdrop of Himalayas, will not just be a temple, meditation center, or a place of art, but it will be a concoction of Shiva & Shakti.